Clapjoy Tic Tac Cambio Game for Adults and Kids of Age 5 years and above

Tic Tac Cambio is the classic children's strategy game. This game makes it three dimensional by introducing different sized pieces that can be stacked on top of each other to cover the piece(s) underneath! This is a fun strategy game that will keep the family hungry to play for hours. How to Play Pre-match preparation: Each player chooses a cup of one color and presses the smallest to largest Set them together in sequence (3 sets for each player), and only 3 large ones are exposed. While playing Only go to the outer cup. Goal: Arrange your cups in a line. Playing this game will help in enhancing deep connection between parents and their children and at the same time they will have fun with each other as this game is full of entertainment. This game will build strategic thinking skills in your kids or others and will make them think how to place their gobble so that they win the game. It will also build their problem solving skills.
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